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Chase UK Onboarding & Authentication

End to end journey to get an account with Chase 

My Contribution 

Product Design

​CX representatives

​Behavioural data analysis



18 months

Major challenges

How design adds values

Open a bank account in less than 7 minutes!

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iPhone 14 Pro idv 2.png

Bite-size guidelines

Break guidelines into small, easy-to-follow steps. Provide detailed visual instructions for customers on how to upload their ID and take a selfie.

​Track and motivate 

Applying behavioral design to clarify the application process upfront, reducing uncertainty and boosting customers motivation.

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iPhone 14 Pro IDV.png

Smart errors handling

Implement a human-centered approach to streamline data matching, ensuring quick self-service error recovery 


By examining data and metrics like time on task, and conversion rates, ID verification rate, we find opportunities for improvement. The following results reflects onboarding success

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